I'm Mariella Pantin, CEO and Founder of Panama Best Houses in 2016


I graduated in Business Administration, but dedicated for over 20 years to the real estate sector. I love what I do, because it allows me to meet and connect with so many people, both local and foreign. Their needs and their dreams of getting a new home, or making an investment, become my personal goal.

I fully identify with the fears and angst that buying a property generates and that is why I am focused on not only getting them the one they really want, but that they enjoy the experience of doing so. It fills me with satisfaction to hand over a key, and even more so when I see a grateful smile on my clients face!

My name is Maira Canelon

I have 12 years of experience in the real estate area and 3 years in the real estate Marketing area. I am a proactive person with skills for negotiation and property management. My aim is to help my clients find the right property for their needs and provide them with exceptional service.

As a lover of technology and new advancements in the Marketing world, I use tools such as photography, videos and virtual tours accompanied by advertising campaigns that allow you to promote your properties and reach more potential customers. For me, it is exciting and fulfilling the beginning of a new stage in my client’s life, where she will begin to build memories in a new home.

My name is Maira Canelon

I have 12 years of experience in the real estate area and 3 years in the real estate Marketing area. I am a proactive person with skills for negotiation and property management. My aim is to help my clients find the right property for their needs and provide them with exceptional service.


As a lover of technology and new advancements in the Marketing world, I use tools such as photography, videos and virtual tours accompanied by advertising campaigns that allow you to promote your properties and reach more potential customers. For me, it is exciting and fulfilling the beginning of a new stage in my client’s life, where she will begin to build memories in a new home.




(+507) 67162550

(+44) 262 000 000

(+507) 67162550

(+507) 67162550

Clayton, Panama City, Panama

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